Garden of hope feeding programme summer 2016
Volunteers Rosa Williams, Jaylan Wright, Susan, and William Towns accompanied board members Alice Hastings-James and Irene Mwangi-Harvin in facilitating Garden of Hope Feeding Program. Garden of Hope’s Feeding Program will feed the children of Garden of Hope three meals a day for one year. This was made possible through donations raised by rosa Williams through Greater Love Church and EES Ministries of Houston, Texas as well as several anonymous donors.
Volunteer Jaylan Wright, a high school student from Houston, Texas, reflected on her experience: “Gratitude is given towards your services and prayers to aid the effort of feeding three meals a day to the Garden of Hope Center for children. We would like to personally than Greater Love Church of Houston, Texas under the direction of Rev. Steven Barlow, Cynthia Hastings-James of Toronto, Canada, and family for their one hundred and eighty children. Thank you for helping fill stomachs, promote health and develop minds.”