Jacqueline Oburu
Director for Global HR Shared Services with ChildFund International based in Richmond, Virginia. After earning her Masters in Inter-Cultural Studies and Leadership Development at Fuller Seminary in 1996 she began her 18+ year career as a Human Resource professional in the international development sector. She worked with World Vision International based in Kenya, working in 27 countries throughout the continent for nearly 8 years. After returning the U.S. in 2003, Jacqueline served as Manager for international HR with CRS (Catholic Relief Services) and then became the Director for International Human Resources with ChildFund, an international child development organization. She was the Head of People Strategies, for WorldFish International in Penang, Malaysia for two years and later served as Chief Talent Officer for TNDC in San Francisco. Fortuitously, she was recently offered a position back with her former organization, ChildFund International in 2016 and now living in Richmond, Virginia closer to family and friends.